Self leadership and mental health

Star For Life Education

Empowering Young People

Self-leadership and perseverance
require knowledge and mental training.

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Our Vision

We envision fostering a future where young individuals thrive as responsible contributors within nurturing communities, empowered to fulfill their aspirations and unleash their inherent potential.

Our Mission

Actively contribute to the development and enhancement of a holistic education system culture in East Jerusalem, with a focus on promoting socio-emotional learning.

Modules & Publications

Our Achievement







10 schools with 2309 students.

1920 SFL classes were conducted reached out 2309 students from 10 schools.

177 professional training hours about Holistic education approach in 10 schools, around 200 teachers were participated in enhancing their skills and knowledge

972 Parents reached out and present 27 meetings about the SFL Jerusalem and specifically about SFL education and the cycle of our programme

1120 one-on-one meetings with teachers, fostering an environment of collaboration and professional growth about SFL modules.

852 extra-curricular activity for the students covering 65 type of activities.

Our Team


Education Department

Abeer Shqirat

Holistic Educational School Manager
Asma Bint Abi baker Comprehensive School

Yara Abu odeh- abweh

Holistic Educational School Manager
Middle School Al-Tur for girls

zainab siam

Holistic Educational School Manager
Al-Salaa Primary School for Girls

Our Core Values

SFL Holistic Approach

working with the holistic atmosphere in general (students, parents, school staff, school management, & community), by Social emotional learnings (SEL) methods.

Continuity & long term perspective

All programs for children and people extend over three years and require continuous and systematic training and use of the tools as reinforcement in regular activities.

Scalability & sustainability

expanding our program to 40 schools in Jerusalem within 5 years. while Each school integrates the holistic approach into their vision and culture, ensuring sustainability through the ownership of the approach.

Quality assurance

SFL Education ensures the quality of program implementation through the utilization of internal and external monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.